My New Favorite Thing!
I cannot wait to tell you about my new favorite thing! Watch this video and let me know what you think!
Stay Inspired!
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Article by Lori Gilder, Architectural Interior Designer, Los Angeles, Ca. © 2012 Lori Gilder. Interior Makeovers Inc.

A great video clip. Thanks
Hope you do some more. Did you post it on YouTube?
Thank you for your comment David.
I have a series of these videos…..and yes they are on YouTube. Do you have any suggestions of topics you’d like to see more of?
Please let me know.
I am an Interior Designer/Architect and have a Design/Build company to execute my designs.
I am impressed with your marketing style and wish I knew of someone here in Toronto that could put this type of presentation together for me.
You are very professional and I want to thank you for your connection on Facebook. Can we connect on LinkedIn as well?
Look for ward to seeing more of your video clips.
Isn’t great to be able to celebrate beautiful color? Hope the “awesome” trend keeps going. Hmmm, wonder what the next amazing color will be … I vote for salmon 🙂
Thanks for all the great information your provide.
Isn’t it great to be able to celebrate beautiful color? Hope the “awesome” trend keeps going. Hmmm, wonder what the next amazing color will be … I vote for salmon
Thanks for all the great information you provide.
Thank you so much Donna. I’ve got to say that Tangerine Tango is the perfect burst of color for spring and summer. I’m sure they’re in the midst of researching the trends for next year’s color!