What Are Architectural As-Built Drawings?
When planning a major remodel, renovation or addition to your existing home it’s likely your local building department will require a set of as-built plans, which illustrates your home in its current condition. Think of these drawings as the “BEFORE” set, and the final and approved construction documents as the “AFTER” set.
In a nutshell as-built drawings are detailed plans of your property that represents all structures and site conditions, as they exist today. These drawings are site measured and field verified and may include any of the following:
Site Plan.
This is an aerial view of your site that depicts your home and all existing structures situated on your plot of land, bordered by its property lines. It details all streets, driveways and easements, as well as all front, side and rear setback measurements specific to your property. Typically you’ll also require an assessor’s parcel map of your property, which is easy to obtain at zimas.lacity.org. (Zone Information and Map Assess System).
Floor Plans.
The floor plans are scaled diagrams of one level of a structure as seen from above. It not only shows room sizes, but detailed door and window sizes and locations, existing cabinetry, appliances, fixtures, stairwells, ceiling heights, and mechanical equipment locations. This documents everything that exists on each floor of your house – now.
Exterior Elevations.
This is the vertical view of the building’s exterior, which typically shows the front, rear and sides of the house, including all door and window locations and heights, soffit and fascia details, siding materials, chimney locations and roof pitch, as it currently exists.
Roof Plan.
This depicts the layout of the rooflines complete with dormers, gables, ridges, hip and valleys. In the case of an addition, this plan will help you integrate a new roof seamlessly with the existing roofline.
Check with your local building and safety department and learn the extent of what type of as-builts plans they’ll require for your home renovation project. Depending on the scope and size, you may be lucky and only need to provide them with a portion of the existing house.
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Article by Lori Gilder, Architectural Interior Designer, Los Angeles, Ca.
© 2009 Lori Gilder. Interior Makeovers Inc