If you want to spend your money wisely and make your renovation dollars work the best for you, having a home renovation strategy could potentially save you thousands. Determining how much to spend on those home improvement projects—or at least which ones will provide you with the greatest ROI—will require a little research on your part.
To really take a sneak peak into the renovation market, I highly recommend checking out Remodeling Magazine’s annual Cost vs. Value report. It’s a fabulous resource where homeowners can compare national and regional averages for about 33 home remodeling and renovation projects in about 80 cities.
It provides you with a description of the average projects in your area of the country, which allows you to gauge where your project falls within your neck of the woods and what kind of ROI you could expect.
Stay informed about what buyers in your area are looking for is key to any renovation.
In this video I explain how you get the biggest ROI on your renovations. This is always a concern with many of my clients. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9Sq2oWUSPQ[/youtube] Stay Inspired!