This week we are continuing on with our focus on identifying your own personal design style. This really is an important element in guiding you down the right design path when you begin to plan any home improvement project or renovation.
If you’re a little confused and at all unsure about committing to a design style, do a google search on interior design quizzes and take a few! They’re fun, interactive and very insightful. Learning your results will ultimately steer you in a direction where you can begin to do a little more research on that particular design style and spin it with an infusion of your own personality.
Do these design characteristics and interior details appeal to you?
- Your home exudes both tranquility and elegance all the while taking great pride in the understated look that you have pulled together.
- The floor plan tends to be more compartmentalized in that rooms tend to be separated from each other and slightly more private.
- Your furnishings brandish classic lines and restrained details, while complimenting the glossy white architectural trims, chair rails and moldings throughout your home.
- Ceilings tend to be painted white, and at times may incorporate simple beams.
- You favor symmetry and balance, from your placement of furniture to the pairs of accessories you display.
- You tend to prefer a calm and predictable living environment.
- Your love of subtle fabrics, textures and accessories create the overall warmth of your home and invite everyone in.
- You are drawn to the bold historic color tones such as caramel browns, golds, auburn reds, and creams.
- Combining classic overhead light fixtures, wall sconces and silk shaded lamps highlight all the beautiful collections and family photos you love to display.
If this sounds at all familiar or appealing to you then consider your design style –
Traditional Elegance.
I encourage you leave questions or comments below this post, and fill out the form on the right hand side of this page to receive your free copy of my special report:
“15 Money Saving Strategies When Planning Your Home Renovation”
Article by Lori Gilder, Architectural Interior Designer, Los Angeles, Ca. © 2010 Lori Gilder. Interior Makeovers Inc.