Dare To Dream?
Brown Residence, Week 2
Liz and Mark Brown have gained great insights (over the last eight years) into how their home has worked for them in the past – and more importantly – what obstacles they face now.
Identifying their home’s past successes, living with its present restrictions, and imagining the dream home of their future, provided the Brown’s with a comprehensive “wish list”
which helped define their goals for their home renovation and addition project.
At the onset of every design project, I encourage my clients to do some homework and create a wish list. This is the stage where you dream big and the sky’s the limit. Dream about absolutely everything you envision your home could be!
It’s a great exercise and a little indulgent, but if you close your eyes and imagine – every specific detail you’d like to see in your newly renovated dream home – your spacious new master suite, that fabulous kitchen addition with state of the art appliances, or the master bath spa retreat – you may be surprised at what you’re actually able to achieve with the help of a design professional.
Liz was a step ahead and within our second meeting she presented me with a wish list two pages long. She’s extremely well organized, capable and well versed in design and construction – and provided me with a comprehensive set of notes itemizing the challenges that her family currently faced. It was an extensive list documenting what they now wanted to achieve with this home renovation project – and more importantly how it should reflect their family’s lifestyle.
If you Dream It!
You can Live It!
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Article by Lori Gilder, Architectural Interior Designer, Los Angeles, Ca.
© 2009 Lori Gilder. Interior Makeovers Inc